Postal Repair Instructions

How it works: 4 easy steps

  1. Choose your repair & complete the payment page.
  2. Wrap your phone up securely remembering to remove the sim card
  3. Post it to us via recorded or special delivery (recommended) to: TIME2TALK, REPAIR DEPT, 558 MIDDLE ROAD, SWANSEA, SA5 8EG please include a contact number with your phone.
  4. Once repaired we will contact you for £7.50 to cover the return cost (unless already paid) and then send back to your billing address.

Update: We can also send you a fully paid special delivery Jiffy bag, which offers ultimate convenience.

Just Click on the link below to buy this service, add it to your basket with the phone repair of your choice and leave the rest to us.

You will receive a Jiffy bag in the post and all you need to do is put the phone inside seal and take to any post office. The postage is paid for so just keep the receipt safe.

Prepaid Special delivery jiffy bag

terms & conditions: If the phone is deemed beyond repair by our technicians, we will return the handset and refund you minus a £15 charge to cover our return postage and our diagnostic fee.

By buying our product you agree to these terms